all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 5AA 24 9 51.877935 -0.419526
LU1 5AE 11 0 51.87541 -0.42098
LU1 5AF 104 5 51.876945 -0.420098
LU1 5AG 12 0 51.876646 -0.420602
LU1 5AH 75 0 51.875719 -0.421259
LU1 5AL 61 0 51.875959 -0.421701
LU1 5AN 41 1 51.875849 -0.422199
LU1 5AP 47 1 51.876151 -0.422624
LU1 5AR 43 0 51.876112 -0.423076
LU1 5AS 7 0 51.876 -0.422049
LU1 5AT 82 4 51.877058 -0.42114
LU1 5AY 13 0 51.875647 -0.418545
LU1 5AZ 44 1 51.875319 -0.419574
LU1 5BB 30 4 51.87746 -0.42036
LU1 5BD 9 4 51.877678 -0.421118
LU1 5BE 37 7 51.87667 -0.419062
LU1 5BG 12 0 51.875716 -0.418979
LU1 5BH 25 2 51.875633 -0.420158
LU1 5BL 1 1 51.878233 -0.420285
LU1 5BN 24 1 51.875418 -0.418888